Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Sweetest Alice In Wonderland or What Two Year Olds See.....

Hi all...
Well I have had time to contemplate since I have been in bed with pneumonia ! Yes, can you even imagine?? I don't think I have ever been this ill and although I am breathing better now and not sleeping so much, and not hospitalized !! I have taken to my laptop to try to see whats going on the world.

I had since had a little Alice In Wonderland dress custom made for my little "Granddaughter of the Heart", Autumn......... So here is the little fantasy world I created for her from the cute photo that her mother sent to me of her sitting in a dining room chair in "The Dress". Well......if you know me that just wouldn't my get well project has been this cute little collage of my sweetie. I hope you enjoy it !! :))  I don't know what rabbit hole she must of fell down this time.....but the mice are irresistible.   So welcome to Autumn's Tea Party !!

Time for her Glammie to sleep another eight hours to recover !

PS.  Entered this much much muchness to the Alice Blog Party today ( May 1st ).   My first blog party.  I am seeing so many talented artists out there.  What fun to share.

PSS. Thank you to everyone who has sent me well wishes for my recovery.  I'm not there yet as it is indeed the kind of illness that lingers on and on....better one day and worse the next.  It cheers me so much to be able to read your kind comments.  Again and again......thank you from the bottom of my heart !!   xoxo, paulette



Monkey Moo Moo said...

Autumn In Wonderland:)
I ADORE this magical tea party that you have created for our very own little Alice!! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this whimsical, beautifully made dress and for capturing and making this magical moment that I will always treasure in my heart.
We love and adore every inch of you:)
Love D and Little miss Autumn

blessings said...

OH you should definitely show this at the Alice blog party on Friday! Here's the link:

I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. Will be praying for health and joy!

Blessings... Polly

Paulette Kinney/Paper Nosh said...

Thank you so much Miss Polly! I will try to be there and show my Alice creations:))I have added the event button to my sidebar so others might see it and want to participate too! xoxo, paulette

Lancerika said...

Hope you feel wonderful again soon
dear Paulette♥
Alice is beyond cute!
always a pleasure to see your

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you have such a crummy illness! ...seems so many people have come down with pheumonia this year - and just when the weather is about to break! I hope you get well soon.
I've been enjoying your blog so so much. Thank you for the beautiful inspiring posts and designs.
Your granddaughter is adorable.
Terri C

Paulette Kinney/Paper Nosh said...

So sweet of you all to read my blog...and leave such nice comments..I just found that blogging and doing a few designs is very therapeutic...thanks so much for your visits! I hope to be working more and sleeping less soon:)) xxx,

Privet and Holly said...

First....I found you. Your blog is just lovely. Second.....Hope you are feeling better, soon! Third.....Gorgeous granddaughter, gorgeous dress and gorgeous photo!
I will be back soon and hope you'll be feeling 100%. Happy Weekend!
xx P&H

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Awww.. so cute Paulette! She is one precious little girl, and her dress is adorable! I know you had fun creating that little collage:)
I'm sorry to hear you've been sick...sending lot's of get well wishes your way!!

blessings said...

Hi. I linked you up for the Alice Party. Stop by and see...

RACHELLE said...

Wow! that is a beautiful alice. love the tights and the wings!



Elizabeth said...

How beautiful! That is a photo your grand-daughter will cherish for a lifetime. I just want to slip into it myself. Looking for the rabbit hole...

vvb32 reads said...

such a cute dress and nice touch with the wings! hope you're feeling since this post and have a happy alice muchness day!

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

The prettiest and sweetest Alice for sure ... a wonderful piece of work, her and yours ; )

Feel better!
Happy Alice day!

Holly Renee said...

How cute! She is just adorable. I am glad you are feeling better. I hope you continue to improve!!

Anonymous said...

I am charmed!! What a doll! Happy Muchness party. :) ~ Miles of Smiles ~ Lynn

Gypsy Fish said...

She is adorable! I love "glammie" I wish my grand babies had thought of that but I guess I'll just have to stick with "nanna banana"...hope you feel better soon.
{{gypsy hugs}}


Paulette, I do hope your recovery comes quickly. I have had serious pneumonia and it takes quite a time to recover, so take your rest. I am so impressed with the precious muchness in the photo of your beautiful granddaughter! Your artwork is amazing! Best wishes and thank you for sharing ~ Angela

blessings said...

Hope you are feeling bunches better. Thank you for sharing your Alice post with us. Blessings... Polly (French Cupboard & Counting Your Blessings)

Lynn Stevens said...

What a lucky little girl and an adorable Alice!
Hope your feeling better soon

Sarah said...

Such a sweet post! Your granddaughter is precious and that dress is oh so cute. Sorry to hear you are ill. Hope your health improves quickly!

Anonymous said...

What a great photo. Love visiting your blog.
Get lots of a lot and drink a lot of fluids....
Can you tell I'm a mom too?!!

Warm and Get well Wishes,

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