Friday, October 15, 2010

Chateau de Versailles Marie Antoinette Exposition L'Androïde de Marie-Antoinette

So busy with orders ( whew !! )  but was just sent this video from The Chateau de Versailles...keep watching as it has the most marvelous Marie Antoinette music box which was actually given to her. I had to share it with you all !!  ( You might want to pause the music on the left to listen to the beautiful sounds of this video).




Nita Stacy said...

Fascinating and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. Nice to hear you are super busy with orders. Hope you are having a little fun too.

Nita Stacy said... I am loving the music in your playlist. I need this to play in my house. Exquisite.

Lancerika said...

Merci for sharing this incredible
The work that went into this
musical box is amazing!
a masterpiece!!
Wishing you splendid Autumn days...

Paulette Kinney/Paper Nosh said...

You are so very welcome! Such a sweet and lovely treat. Can you imagine having an android made of yourself ! It must of been quite a treat for Marie. xoxo, paulette

Anonymous said...

How charming! nice of you to share it online.

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