Thursday, January 14, 2010

Paper Nosh Thoughts and Valentine Surprises

Such a busy week, whew !!

Still trying to get moved in to the new little studio house where I will spend many hours a day hopefully designing and creating.

The Paris Apartment did a lovely feature on her blog with two designs I am most proud of. Thank you so much Claudia !!

Now my serious thoughts on copyright and design:  Probably to the average person or viewer, designs that they see on the internet may start to look like someone else's. The clue that most don't know is that a designer like myself, and as a digital collage artist, we purchase vintage images from a pool of other designers willing to sell backgrounds that we may use PART of to create our final designs. Usually I do this if I'm trying to create something seasonal and too busy filling orders to spend so many hours to start from scratch.  Still it can take hours to even take a short cut, but I have something listed for my clients asking for something new.

What may make mine different is first, the way I might put them together to form a truly "Paper Nosh" design and then the alchemy of my papers, printing and finishing process. We also don't just go down to the local craft store and purchase glitter or inks. They are sought out for the best the market has to offer and then mixed to create our cards in a unique way. Its hard to capture in a photo, but seeing is believing and I think my clients will testify to that. I am proud of my designs and unfortunatley have been copied extensively. I have realized the extensiveness of this and am trying to make peace with it, outside a court of law. Sometimes it occurs to me if I don't speak up then down the line another "artist" will "forget" that my designs were "her inspiration" and claim them as her own. It is sad to me, as then her clients think she is the original creator. My loyal clients write to me weekly sending yet another link to a site where a design looks like mine but isn't. Heartbreaking to me, as some of these "designers" were former clients of mine !! One is even doing my same packaging now !! yike !

Its not like me to complain or dwell as I have so many orders to complete and believe I have the best clients in the world !!

All that said, and even though I'm still moving, there are some sweet Valentine creations we were just able to list at I don't know when I'll be able to open the Etsy store again but the web site is open for orders.

Thanks all.....just had to get it all off my chest and heart to continue this fabulous New Year and what wonderful opportunities and new friends it might bring.



Elaine Leon said...

Oh Paulette, I feel your pain. To be copied so closely by a clueless, so called designer is a slap in the face. Kudos to you for making peace with it! You have way to many accolades to worry about those who like to pretend to be a "designer".

Anonymous said...

No one can do YOU like you do! As a lover of old images I can understand your passion for making what's old brand new again. From everything I've seen, yours are by far the most elaborate, intricate and detailed with gorgeous papers and packaging. Please don't let haters get you down, and never stop making the beauty that you do!

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Paulette,
Just saw Claudia's post and your cards are works of art. So lovely and original.
I became a follower awhile ago after you joined my blog but for some reason I never receive your new posts as is usual. I will keep working on it though.
Sorry you're having trouble with other uh hmmm, 'designers', don't worry your work speaks for itself!

Lancerika said...

loving your exquisite art
for quite sometime now,
what a beautiful inspiration!

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Paulette, Your work is hands down the CREME DE LA CREME! No one can come close to dupicating your superior quality! Such a shame that others have to profit off of your ideas and hard work.
Your V-day images are breathtaking! *SIGH* Thanks for sharing your gorgeous work with us! *~*XOXO*~* Jenn

Jonny J Petros said...

Paulette, Hi I found your site from Fifi's. I am totally in love with your work its incredibly gorgeous I already seen things I have to have, you have a beautiful style I am so looking forwarding to following. I have added your button to my sidebar. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work Best wishes, Sincerely, Jonny-Salone Di Petros

AstridMueller said...

Hello Paulette - your designs are really fabulous and inspiring - and your blog post moved me. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't mention that you copyrighted your images. If you didn't absolutely do it. You can file as much as you like in one go, and if I remember correctly, it's only about 30 $ - I recommend you visit the graphic artist guild site for details -

there will always be copycats - and I agree, we shouldn't focus on this negative aspect - it's also a good sign if you're copied. As weird as it sounds. Bad stuff doesn't get copied. In any case, saying this as illustrator, we have to protect ourself as much as we can - we're not totally powerless. work with a website that doesn't allow drag and drop Put @ 2005 - copyright remarks etc - and since your stuff is so good, I also recommend talking to a licensing specialist >> Jeanette Smith - she made dilbert big. You may be able to make a lot of money with your creations.

Good luck!


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