Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gifts from the Heart

 Many sweet Birthday Gifts have arrived at my doorstep in the last few days.  All the sweeter to receive at any time as it makes a "Birthday Week" rather than just lasting for one day:)

The antique Marie Antoinette dolls head with its tag still attached from the Paris Bon Marche is so exquisite to me it brought tears to my eyes that my friend Barbara in the UK would choose something so dear to my heart.  The darling kitty in her MA wig makes me laugh everytime I look at it and brought out my goofy side, and of course Bea's too I'm sure.  
The Fragonard Perfumes from Bea are long sought after by me and she knows just what to get for me and actually finds does she know ?

To the right is the sweetest hand embroidered brooch of Marie Antoinette with the best Aqua hair and eyebrows I have ever darling Donna had this sent to me from the artist in Israel.  So sweet and touching !

My good friend Elaine Biss had Tea Forte sent to me in a scrumptious Orchid Vanilla scent and flavor, they are the company who puts their tea-bags in those little pyamid shapes and they are so divine.  She also sent the Sweet Orange Spice Butter Tea Cookies from Tea Forte.  Light and sweet I had my own private tea party :))  Thank you Elaine for your sweet gift :)
One more from Barbara was an oh so pretty roses journal with a pink sparkling vintage brooch attached.  Each page is decorated and so beautiful....I'll have to scent it with my Fragonard perfumes and pretend its a secret journal for love poems and pretty sketches !

Last here is a photo I took of some handmade pink chandelier wrapping paper I made for one of Bea's Christmas gifts this year.  Its so hard to top her ......but she'll have to wait to see what's inside.

Thank you my sweet friends for making my birthday this year so special.



Elaine Leon said...

Oh I am soooo glad you love them!!! You deserve a tea party every day!!! XOXO

Nita Stacy said...

What fabulous gifts! That kitty in the wig is tre manufique!

Amy Chalmers said...

You have a lovely blog, glad you contacted me about the pink house! I am following you now too~!

Elaine Leon said...

I gave you an award :) xoxox

Marie Arden said...

Happy birthday to you!! Your gifts are lovely. I love the chandelier wrap you made so MA. I love Elaine Biss I got business cards from her so pretty.
Glad tidings to you you helped me make my Marie Antoinette tree so pretty. Hugs

Paulette Kinney/Paper Nosh said...

Merci Marie ! Yes I left you a comment a couple of weeks ago when I saw my designs with Elaine's card design on your desk...we've been friends for years and I thought it was a lovely coincidence. Thank you for the Birthday wishes and compliments!! Happy Holidays...xoxo,

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