I'm having my first give-a-way in CELEBRATION of our 6 years of blogging, creating and making new friends !!
So here's how it goes !..... Those that
1. leave a new like on our
Business Facebook page ( not my personal page, just click on the link
here) ,
2. Leave a comment on this blog feature ..
3. Plus join this site as a
follower will be eligible.
( You can do it all on the right side bar here on the blog !) Help us get to 1000 followers on this blog and 1000 likes on our Business Facebook :)) A lofty goal, but a fun one to try to achieve.
**If you have already liked our
Business Facebook page or are already a follower of this blog and then leave a
comment here telling me so I'll count you in too ! It's only fair :))
*****The rules are you must do all three things and let me know in your comment here on the blog that you did each one.
I know ! What will the winner receive ?? Five beautiful items
Valued at $150.00 ! YES I'm buying your love :)) Read Below.....
Well.....A set of your choice of
Paper Nosh cards wrapped beautifully in one of our pretty boxes with ribbon and tag , a lovely Tea Cup and saucer in Periwinkle Blue with roses and dove from my Rosie B. Farmer collection, plus the rare and hugely beautiful matching sugar and creamer, and a sweet little canister of Laduree Tea.
*****We will have a drawing from those that complete all three assignments :))
Then.... I'll gift wrap them beautifully and send out to you no matter where you live :)
I hope you'll win !!
We've added this to
Beverly's Pink Saturday features ! Visit there for lots of "Pinkness" !!